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"We are hard-wired to attach emotional meaning to everything we do; our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Why not leverage them?"


Emotional Intelligence, referred to as EQ (Emotional Quotient) is a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, engage socially, and navigate challenges.

EQ is not a basis for being “emotional” but rather our ability to effectively identify and manage our emotions and the emotions of others as a means to favorable outcomes.



Talents, skills, strategies, and operations matter but the thing that influences our behaviors and fuel our actions also matter. That “thing”? Emotions–instinctual to all of us. We are hard-wired to attach emotional meaning to everything we do, our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors.

We have to get deliberate about shifting the environment from a results-driven culture to a people-driven culture if we want to encourage better thinkers, broader beliefs, new behaviors, and ultimately consistent results.


However smart, talented, savvy, or creative, team members are expected to serve one vision. We forfeit opportunities for true “teamwork” and risk pushing micro visions when the focus is the development of processes and not the development of the process-pushers–the people.


Optimum teamwork is a result of every member being emotionally capable of self-regulating, communicating, interacting socially, and managing challenges. EQ is a measurable indicator of this potential.


Emotional Intelligence helps us to:

•    to self-reflect
•    identify our emotions and feelings around good and bad experiences
•    manage our reactions to good and bad experiences
•    communicate effectively our needs and desires
•    build compatible and reciprocal relationships
•    effectively navigate conflict



We all know someone that always seems able to “keep their cool”. Some people are naturally able to take inventory of their emotions and are skilled at effectively communicating what they feel.

For those of us that are not naturally equipped, research supports that people can learn how to self-reflect, develop an awareness of other’s emotions, and interact more effectively,  as well as learn to apply these skill sets in order to produce more favorable results


While much of our makeup is composed of heritable traits, we are exposed to social behaviors from the time of birth which together becomes the skillsets we rely on, creating the narrative of who we really are.

Regardless of genetic or learned traits, through development and practice, we can replace skillsets that do not serve us well. Emotional Intelligence can be learned!

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